How will I fill my Tuesday Nights Now?

With the wrap up of one of my favourite shows, Hell's Kitchen, and yes I realize I was watching reruns but I'd never seen it before, I now have an extra hour of TV watching time on Tuesday nights after school. Seriously, D and I were addicted. He'd come running to pick me up right after school on Tuesday's, we'd go home get changed and cuddle in front of the TV watching the chef raise holy hell. He comes across as a total prick but something about him is oddly appealing and I'm going to miss him. Thankfully, he won't be gone for long - the new season is slated to start June 25th. Woohooo!

If you've never seen the show and have NO CLUE what I'm talking about, you're seriously missing out. I found the video below of some of the highlights of season two (the season I just finished watching). I'm not sure about anywhere else but in Canada, the show aired on the Food Network in it's entirety, including all of the swearing but this version is bleeped so it's alright for watching at work.

The doctors X-rayed my head and found nothing.

baseball great Dizzy Dean explaining how he felt after being hit on the head by a ball in the 1934 World Series


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Anonymous said...

Tuesday night is the only night I don't have any shows lined up! You could take that extra time to sleep :)

March 07, 2007 12:52 p.m.

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