Windows. I HATE Windows. But what choice do I have?

I managed to get a couple of extra days to recover (read-REDO) my English paper. Thank you to a very kind professor. D and I have been trying to recover the PC since Sunday. I had decided that I wanted to install Linux on my traveling companion but the initial install of Mandriva proved to be a bit of a nightmare. Then on Tuesday, I thought I'd give Fedora a shot but, for whatever reason the bloody installation stalls on disk 1. I'm thinking perhaps the ISO I downloaded was corrupt but I couldn't wait anymore so last night I broke down and performed a Windows clean install. Everything seems to be back to normal but I'm still a bit ticked off that Linux systems are so difficult to either 1) install or 2) find. Sure, I can find them online no problem but it took 3 days to download 2 different OS's and neither of them worked for me. I haven't given up all hope yet, I would like to leave Windows behind but it hasn't been easy for me.

In other news, I'm tired, my eyes hurt, I need sleep and I have class tonight. I hope the second wind is coming. Soon.

And I'm VERY thrilled to bring you today's installment of stupid things said in video! Enjoy!


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