Disapointment - Sort Of

I've been trying to be a little more 'responsible' about my spending so over the last few months, I've really been cutting back on impulse buying. Sometimes, this doesn't work to your advantage. Let me share with you this little example. Last month D and I were at Costco when I spotted a pair of super sweet wireless headphones at the smokin' price of $89. I decided not to buy them that day and, instead, I made a pact with myself. If at the end of April I still wanted them, I'd come and buy them. So I waited.

In the meantime, I spotted the same exact headphones over at Future Shop for $150 bucks. I started to get really excited about getting them and for 4 weeks I put a little money aside for these things.

Yesterday we go to Costco, me with every intention to buy the wicked cool wireless headphones ('cause I can use them to watch movies in the bedroom when you're sleeping honey!) and disaster. I can't find them! They must have moved them! We wonder around for 10 minutes before I find someone who works there. I ask. They don't have any more. Greyskull be damned. I was pissed. I still am pissed.

So instead, I bought useless stuff. Cool but useless stuff. Namely this:

And yes Colleen, I'll be lending it to you if you'd like.


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Anonymous said...

Ah, Costco...a shopper's dream (and sometimes demise...BWAHAHAA) If you ever see anything on sale at Costco, it's best to just get it!!

I hope that KitchenAid mixer I plan on getting is still there tonight or tomorrow!!

May 04, 2007 8:22 a.m.

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