Yesterday we discussed a few arguments from creation and then this morning, I read this entry which really made a lot of sense to me and I must say, I'm somewhat torn by this 'Dr.' Ross debate. On the one hand I can appreciate the fact that Ross did the work and obviously defended his case well yet on the other hand I can also see the truth in the argument that he lied his way through his thesis. Now, having yet to do mine, I can't really speak from experience but I would venture to assume that if you're putting that much of your life into something (your thesis), it's going to be something you fully believe in and have a vested interest in. The simple fact that Ross completed his thesis on something that he doesn't believe to be true seems wrong in some way. More than anything, it seems like a cop out. To me at least, it seems like he should have done his thesis on something he actually believes in like trying to find scientific proof for the belief that the world is 6,000 years old. I don't know, that's just me.

I've found all of this recent talk of creationism and Intelligent Design interesting. It seems to be a re-emerging theme in a number of my classes this semester and I must say, it's one of the few things that has really sparked my interest to the point that I've done some additional reading on the subject. This whole idea of how we got here and if we serve a purpose is one that really gets my wheels turning.

But enough of that. It's Wednesday and to celebrate hump day, and in lieu of a stupid thing today, I figured I'd share this with you. It's a video of one of my favorite performers. I've seen her live a few times and she's always fantastic. What I like best about this video is that they've captured her introduction to the song which is excellent for non-Portuguese speakers. Let me know what you think.


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