Yesterday was the date of our Public Information Meeting in which we introduced the neighbours to the Tower 3 and the commercial space of our project. Much better turn out this time around and now that people have seen the shopping, the consensus is that the City of NW needs the project to revitalize the downtown core. It went very well with positive feedback all around. We were looking out the window and the project and I don't think anyone quite realizes the height of these things. We're already 10 stories up - but that's all parking. The 26 (or whatever it is...not quite sure) stories of suites are still to come.I had to work until 6 but on the plus side, the boss lady decided that I didn't have to stay and at 5:40 she took me home. I think she just wanted to get out of there and to be honest, I can't blame her - some strange folk showed up. I spent the rest of the evening watching hockey and editing audio for our next podcast. I plan to just add some finishing stuff tonight and then it'll be ready to go live!At the show on Tuesday, I put the video aspect of my new camera to the test. I managed to record two short videos before security asked me to stop: "Pictures are OK but no videotaping please!" I complied. I've uploaded both videos to Google video (since they have a larger limit on the video size) and I must say, they're not too bad. The second one is better than the first but, you can enjoy either/or/neither.
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