More Langley Adventure

While out in Langley on Saturday, we decided to give something else a shot. A few years ago we were out there with our coupon book trying to find Choo Choo’s Restaurant which is, apparently, famous for their home made burgers and fries. We failed miserably on our first attempt and the coupon expired before we had a chance to use it but the restaurant was listed in our Entertainment book again this year and since we were already out there and looking for a place to eat, we thought we’d give the search a second try.

After consulting a Google map, we finally found the restaurant along a strip in Langley city which is lined with a great assortment of nifty shops. Before exploring, we had a nice lunch at Choo Choo’s, a place very reminiscent of the Old Spaghetti Factory but with a better selection of food.

Choo Choo's

Choo Choo's

A nice homey feel, the place was still quiet when we sat down for an early lunch but started to pick-up just as we were leaving. The food was delicious though hubby found his yummy looking burger a little on the greasy side one thing we did agree on was that their home made fries are super tasty.

Choo Choo'sMushroom burger with homemade patty and fries.

Choo Choo'sTwo piece cod fish and chips.

While walking back to the car we popped into Krazy Bob’s Music Emporium. Mostly it was me saying “OMG we have to go in here! Check out the cool records in the window!” This is no preparation for what was awaiting us inside.

Krazy Bob's Music Emporium

Wall to wall crates of records. All of them for sale. Krazy Bob was super nice, and encouraged me to guy a record player to which I smiled and looked at hubby as he’s the one holding me back on that purchase. We wondered around ooing and awing the various bins, hubby constantly saying that he remembered this or that record. It was pretty awesome.

Krazy Bob's Music EmporiumA tiny taste.

Basically, it was a super wicked Saturday in Langley. Our next day-long exploration trip is going to be Fort Langley. It's been years since I've been there. Hopefully the weather holds up until after the move and we can head out there during the September long weekend!


The best place on earth

Months ago, Dale shared with me the awesomeness of Toy Traders. He loved the place so much, and for good reason too, that he posted this awesome entry on his trip out there, complete with jaw dropping images.

I'd been meaning check it out for months but hadn't had a chance to go out there with hubby but Saturday, we decided to take a trip out to RC Pitstop who moved to a bigger, better spot a few years ago and have grown their shop quite dramatically from years ago when we met the then new owners as they started their business. There was supposed to be some racing going on in the parking lot of the shop and indeed, there was a bit of activity but since we were already out there, I convinced hubby to make a pit stop at Toy Traders and wow, are we ever happy we did.

Yes, Dale's pictures are awesome but you seriously can't begin to grasp the greatness of this shop until you're actually inside and wondering around constantly picking your jaw up off the floor.

Toy Traders

Though it looks pretty inconspicuous from the outside, housed inside of this plain whitewash is a greatness of epic proportions. Huge dioramas of Star Wars, GI Joe and Transformers are only the beginning with a shop wall to wall full of both kids toys (new and used) and collectibles the likes of which you'll only ever see at collectors shows. Yes, this is the coolest collectors corner in the Lower Mainland. It is truly bad ass.

Here are a few images that I snapped under the radar (don't arrest me please!).

Toy Traders

Toy Traders

Toy Traders

Toy Traders

Toy Traders

Toy Traders

Toy Traders

Toy Traders

Thanks to Dale I also know that they take Canadian Tire Money. Only adds to the awesomeness.

If you're interested (and you should be) in checking out the goodness for yourself, you can do so at:

Toy Traders
#150 – 19888 Langley Bypass [Google Map]
Langley, BC V3A 4Y1
Phone: 604-532-9516

And if you still want more, Snow Troopers have some more great pictures.




Mission Accomplished

We are no longer homeless. After a Saturday of returned phone calls, appointments and driving around the Burnaby/New Westminster area looking at houses, we finally found a property everyone's happy with. It's a bit on the small side but an open design which we love (side note: lots of the older houses in the area are large in square footage but the rooms are small. Lots of small little rooms that our furniture won't fit into). A rancher in Burnaby, walking distance to Skytrain, a huge two car garage for storage and, as hubby kindly pointed out, with a gas station a few doors down that hosts a Tim Hortons. Yes, definitely a bonus for me.

The funny part is, the owner is Portuguese. Do I know how to pick them or what? My dad was wearing one of his Ronaldo shirts when we looked at the house and the owner asked him if he was Portuguese and tada, that's what good things are made of. They talked business. I didn't have to get involved. Everyone's happy.

We're all going to be living as one big happy family with as little privacy as you could expect from 5 people in 1,300 sq. ft. but it could be worse and frankly, who cares? In 12 months we'll be moving into our dream house!

Now to start packing...


Unhappy Pet

It's true. Denali isn't a happy boy right now. We took him to the vet on Tuesday to get fixed and they've given him the biggest cone known to man. Seriously, the thing is massive.

The poor guy is so traumatized by it. He keeps walking into walls, doors and it even gets caught on the ground when he's wearing it. It doesn't help that the pain medication the vet gave us makes him really drowsy (his eyes glaze over a little when we give it to him before bed) which only causes him more trouble. What he doesn't realize is that he's lucky someone's home all the time to watch him so he doesn't have to wear the bloody thing more often. Still, he's so sad when he's wearing it. He mopes, he cries, he shifts constantly because it's uncomfortable for him to sleep with it.

This is the poor sweetie with his cone on before bed the other night:

Denali isn't very happy

Doesn't he just look so sad? I feel for him. I really do. Thankfully he only has to wear it for 10 days (or nights as is the case).

T-8 days.





Not exactly. At least not yet. But almost. Let me explain.

Shortly after my sister came home, mom and dad started talking about looking for a bigger place. Now, this isn't the first time they talked about it (it's come up a few times over the years) so we didn't pay too much attention but when they called the real estate agent, we knew they were serious. We expected it would take a few months for the house to sell but against all odds and to our good fortune, the house sold in two weeks for the asking price.

Now here's where things get tricky and where that good fortune may be considered bad luck. The folks that bought the house recently sold their home too and they have to be out for September 2nd which means their possession date on the new house (our house) is September 2nd. Which, in turn, means that we have to be out by September 2nd. And we have no place to go. And a dog. Yikes!

Mom and dad have decided to build so they've been looking at properties in the neighbourhood and have even found a couple of potential lots. The problem is that we need a house to rent, that allows dogs, for the year it will take to build our new dream home.

The search is driving me crazy.

It's only been 3 days.

Homelessness looms and though I realize we still have 3 weeks to find something, I (and my mom) won't be able to sleep until it's done and we've signed papers. I hope one of these places pans out - the lack of sleep is starting to get to me.

And don't even get me started on the packing.

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