
It's been an interesting couple of days. Yesterday was a nightmare. Missed my bookcrossing meeting thanks to crappy planning by the bosses. Still a little pissed about that. Other than that, the PIM (public info meeting) went well if rather slowly and quietly. I nearly fell asleep at my little station. Thank goodness for the air conditioning and the co-op student who was there from the architect's office. She was fantabulous to chat with.

I feel like I'm drowning in stuff to do. I have 2 weeks left to finish a costume I haven't even started. Tomorrow I'm meeting Jenskijen to post Serenity goodies on ebay (I'll post the link once the stuff is up in case anyone is looking for swag - all proceeds will benefit the BC Women's Hospital - an uber worthy cause). Thursday I'm meeting with Sharon for coffee and chat, Friday is BIFF, Saturday is Soccer, Sunday is "Superman" and Monday...day of rest thanks to Canada Day falling on the weekend. I guess Monday will be sewing day. To boot, my registration notification came in the mail yesterday. That's a kick in the pants for sure. Gotta check the registration date, available courses and I have to make sure I've got enough money for classes.

I'm really not liking this. Just when I think I'll be able to go on a trip something comes up. Looks like the job hiring is still in limbo so that nice little extra money I was counting on that would allow me to pay for schoo WHILE still go to SFX in September is in perpetual limbo and so I have to pick one or the other. Obviously school is more important so, once again, my trip plans are out the window. Maybe next year I guess. V-Con is going to have to do for this year.

Oh yeah, and I went to see the new Fast and the Furious on Saturday and really liked it. The soundtrack rocked so I now have it on my little player and OMG. It rocks. It's soooooo totally off the wall. I LOVE it!


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