To the Tune of....

For some reason, I have an internal soundtrack on repeat mode this morning. It includes: "Milk Shake", "We Built This City", "Bandages", "Toxic", "City of Blinding Lights", "The Hand that Feeds" and "Imagination". Talk about bizzare. Doesn't matter what's on the radio. I'll hum along to what's on and when a song I don't like comes on, the internal soundtrack goes from pause to play.

I've been at work since just after 8AM. I have sooooo much to do today but I'm determined to leave at least an hour early so I figured I'd come in a bit early and get a head start. So far so good and whith the guys gone for most of the morning, I think I should manage to get most of the stuff done.

The "Serenity" Charity screening is tomorrow. If anyone out there is a fan and is interested, other charity screenings are taking place today and over the weekend all over the US and Canada. More info can be found at Can't Stop the Serenity. If you're at the Vancouver screening, don't forget to say hello. I'll be co-judging the costume competition.

I went for another bike ride last night. I was out for almost an hour which isn't bad considering I'm totally out of shape. I live in a neighbourhood with lots of hills and yesterday I strayed a little too far and went down what I thought was just a little hill. Problem: no energy to get back up the little hill. I managed to get half way up and then I had to walk it the rest of the way, breathing hard all the way to the top. At least I know I got the blood pumping! Bike still needs some little adjustments (like the handles raised and hence the brakes re-adjusted) but I'm really liking this. Definately exercise I don't mind doing!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. It's shaping up to be another scorcher here and I can't wait to get out and about town and catch some of the sun. Hope the weather gods treat you all equally well!


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