Thursday Goodness

They say you never forget how to ride a bike. Guess what? It's true! Last night, on my walk home from the bus stop, I saw some guy leisurly riding around the neighbourhood. For some reason, I decided that's what I wanted to do so before I even got in the door, I checked in on my old bike. It's actually not really my bike. It's my dad's but he doesn't use it so I told him I'd keep it. It's in pretty decent shape and I did when I acquired it was change the seat. So dad filled the tires for me and off I went. At first, it was a bit scary getting started but when I started rolling, it was pretty cool. I still need to make some adjustments to it. The seat needs to be raised and so do the handles but other than that, runs pretty good. I think I was only out there 20mins but when I got off, I felt like I'd been riding for hours. My legs were sore! I'm going to go out for another ride tonight.

This morning has started out very well indeed. I managed to catch the early bus (accountant is away today so I had to start at 8:30). Usually when I have to come in early, I find I have to run around in the morning to get out on time and the commute to the bus stop also includes a bit of a jog but today, I was up and ready early enough that I had a leisurly walk to the bus stop. As if that wasn't enough to get me happy, the most beautiful man I've ever seen (in real life at least - not on tv, movie or photograph) was on the skytrain standing accross from me. I wish I had a camera built into my sunglasses. He was gorgeous: blond short hair, tall, lean (no bulging muscles). Over the years I've found that I don't notice men the way I used to but once in a while, it still hits me.

So it's been a great morning and I think the day may shape up to be a good one. I'm a bit tired from all the happenings this week and I think to prep for the weekend, I'm going to hit the pillow a little earlyer tonight.


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