One of those

I thought the crazyness of the week was done but apparently not. Still pretty busy around the office. It's great because I stay entertained but after the past few weeks, I just want a day to relax. The plan is for me to leave early on Friday. We'll see how it goes.

There are such wonderful people in the world. I feel blessed (can't think of any other term for it) at having met so many extraordinary people over the last year and one of the most vibrant and beautiful is Nomi. She's full of life, experience and has a smile that'll stop you dead in your tracks. Not to mention the wonderful spirit and aura that she exhudes. Everyone is special in their little way but she touches me in a different way. Hard to explain but it seems like a connection that's older than either of us. It's encounters like this one that make me seriously consider the possibility of past lives.

Little else to share today. It's hot. Today isn't quite as bad as the last few days have been. Actually, this is perfect for me. I hope it stays like this.


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