A Great Week Ahead

The week ahead is shaping up to be, weather wise at least, one of the best so far this year. It's supposed to remain warm and sunny well into the weekend. I hope it does. We've had enough rain to last for a while!

I had an interesting weekend. Saturday Baby Girl and I got caught in a crazy ass rainstorm that left us soaked to the point of us standing in the women's bathroom for nearly 30 mins trying to dry our jackets under the hand dryers. Not something I ever thougth I'd do but definately a learning experience. Met a few new folks with the movie group and not to mention that I woke up nice in early to watch the game, which we won, and then I went back to bed for a nap.

Sunday I just lounged in front of the TV until dinner with the family. I cried, I laughed, it was a day full of relaxation. So much for working on the bodice for my wench outfit. I'll have to do some serious work on that this week and over the weekend. At the very least, I need to finish the mock-up at some point this week. This should be interesting considering it's only my second costume and the first I'm doing without a pattern. Should be interesting....

Tonight, BG and I are getting together again to see "The Lake House". Can't wait. As I said to her, it's been a while since I've had a big screen Keanu fix. I'm really looking forward to it.

Oh yeah, and dad totally loved the shirt. He was giddy with excitement!


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