A Happy Friday

I know, what Friday isn't happy??? But today is EXTRA special!

So yesterday I complained about my MP3 player. Well, everything has been resolved! I found out late in the day on Wednesday that they no longer produced my old model of player so I was a bit worried that they were going to make me pay for an upgraded model. So I showed up yesterday, talked to the Manager and that got the ball rolling. They exchanged my player under an "Out of Warranty Replacement" clause. So when the portable music dude came over to check to make sure the return was in order, I was all prepared to argue that I didn't want to pay anything extra. It didn't even come up. He suggested that I should consider switching brands, mentioned a few options and I picked one.
So, this is my new toy. It's totally fabulous. It's the same capacity as the original I purchased and it has all of the same features and extras including colour screen, the capability of video and photo playback, optional expansion slot for additional memory (up to 2G extra!) and not to mention the fact that it's 1/2 the size! Seriously, this thing is just a little thicker than the iPod Nano. Turns out this thingy is $70 more expensive than what I originaly purchased so I got me a bit of a deal! :)

I'm sooooo happy. I loaded a bunch of music into it yesterday and came rocking along to work this morning.

It's going to be a busy weekend. I have an early wake up call for tomorrow morning (5:50AM) to catch the game. Then maybe a nap before heading downtown for a movie meetup. Sunday is Daddy's Day! I bought my dad one of his favourite things, a Lacoste golf shirt. He doesn't golf but he's been wearing these things for, no joke, 20 years. His first one was red and I remember he bought it in a little shop in Caracas near the beach. Since then, he's always had a few on and off but for a few years we were hard pressed to find them here so Grandmama was bringing them from Portugal. Now that Vancouver is unofficially Hollywood North, there's a bunch of designer shops opening up and one of them was Lacoste. So after much debating (and with Mom's suggestions of course) I picked out an aqua. Hopefully he likes it. If not, he'll be making a trip downtown to pick the colour he wants! :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and a great Father's day!


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