Portable Music = Headaches

Some of you faithful readers (thank you guys!) may remember back in November of 2005, I purchased an mp3 player. I was re-reading that post and how gushing that review was and though I'm still very happy with my selection, I'm more than a little upset at the problems I've had with this thing.

In April, the headphone jack stopped working properly. After dealing directly with Creative (thanks to restrictions and crummy Manufacturer's Warranties), they sent me back a shiny new player. They even sent me an upgraded one and I suddenly went from 4G to 6G player. Cool right? Not really because only a week after they sent it to me, I started having trouble. At first I thought it was just a little slow but then it got to the point where the thing would only turn on and off when it wanted to. So I called Creative again and they proceed to tell me that my "free" telephone customer support has expired and I need to pay extra to troubleshoot over the phone before I can mail it back so they can fix it. I refused to pay and instead contacted the place where I'd bought it, Future Shop (owned by Best Buy).

So Monday Jun. 5th, I went to the store and talked to a rep. He wasn't sure what to do so he photocopied ALL of my paper work and said someone would call be by Wednesday. Wednesday came and went and no call. So I decided to give them a bit of a break and I waited until Monday. Went back to the store, talked to another rep, said she'd have the Customer Service Manageer call me because he'd be the only one who could help. Smart girl even gave me his name and direct number. She said he'd call me Tuesday. Tuesday came and went and still no call. So yesterday I called him. He had no clue who I was and no idea what I was talking about. Turns out no one passed any information to him. I was calm but angry and after some talking, he suggested I come in and they'd replace the product. Turns out that their customer service reps in the store and on the phone screwed up so they're going to replace it with a shiny new one. Now, I just hope they have one in stock!

Other than this saga, the week has been flying and I could have sworn today was Friday. I wish it was Friday! Ahhhh it's ALMOST Friday! :)

Hope you're all having a good week!


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