I had all of these great plans for the weekend. They included getting LOTS of work done but, instead, I went out on Saturday and didn't come home late so everything was shifted to Sunday. The problem came when Sunday rolled around and I was sooooo lazy, I didn't even want to leave the house. D dragged me out to get some groceries but then I came back and dropped my lazy ass ont he counch. Didn't get off there again until dinner and after doing the dishes, I went back there again. I just can't believe how totally lazy I was. So much for getting stuff done.

I spen Friday night with D. Went for dinner (all you can eat sushi at our favourite restaurant, Shabusen) then a trip to Chinatown for the Market where I picked up DVD's for $5 each. New ones too! Sure, they're Chinese versions (and I won't ask how they had a copy of X-Men 3 for sale) and I bought one that I can't play because it's the wrong zone but all in all, I'm quite happy with my purchases and at least now I know what to look for the next time!

I've also come to the conclusion that big hair is sexy. On Friday I came into work with big hair because I showered late the nite before and didn't bother to style my hair. I thought I looked good in the morning so I just left it to fly with the wind. I had so many positive comments I decided to leave it lose for the weekend. I swear people, I've never had so many men check me out. Being totally serious!! Not that I'm looking because I'm quite happy thank-you-very-much but it's nice to be noticed. I think I'll wear my hair like this for the next little while. It's so easy too! Wash, brush, dry, brush before leaving! For the first time in my life I'm happy that I have 1) so much hair and 2) so much volume! :)


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