One day in, three to go

Oh goodness. I can't believe it's Tuesday monring already. The weekend was a flurry of activity. Actually, it was pretty quiet...I just wanted to use that phrase "flurry of activity". D and I did very little other than sleep and BBQ. Got up early to watch the game on Saturday and then went off to celebrate Canada Day, spending most of the morning walking around Canada Place eating shaved ice. Sunday, he got up to watch the F1 race while I slept in until nearly noon. Then off to Superman Returns (if the review isn't up when you visit, it will be up shortly...promise!) and by the time we came home, it was after 10pm. Yesterday was a combination of cleaning, sewing've probably read about my TV habits so I'll avoid mentioning it again.

I *really* didn't want to come to work today. I should have taken a few more days off to catch up but alas, I failed to do that so I had to drag my ass out of bed. I did manage to wake up during the comute to work. I listen to a podcast 3 times a week. For a while there, I had to stop listening to it on the way to work because I always had this stupid grin on my face from trying not to LOL. But I've given up all hope. Monday's show was particularly funny. Honestly, if you like movies, you HAVE to listen to these guys. It's bloody hilarious. You can download the most recent cast at their website, The Movie Blog. I encourage you all to check it out.

I also read a great article this morning on the 25 worst tech products of all time - at least according to PC Word. There were a few that I'd never heard of but there was also more than one that I shook my head at because I remember them (and I remember thinking how shitty they were). You can get the full list here.

Happy Independence Day to our Southern neighbours! And remember kids, don't play with fireworks!


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