Oh thank god. Thank GOD (or gods or being. Whatever. You get the picture.) the week is over. The last few days have been brutal. I mean BRUTAL. I'm sooooooooooo tired I'm nearly incohesive and to boot, it's been extra busy in the office for the last few days.

Should be a good weekend and to help me get started, here's this week's KFF. This is a FANTASTIC picture. I'm seriously considering printing it on some photo paper and having it framed right next to my autograph of Tom Cruise. Yes. I have an autograph of Tom Cruise. I bought it a few years ago and no it's not a fake. I have a certificate of authenticity. And if I ever do find that it's fake...I'll kill the guy I bought it from. But whatever, sorry for the digression.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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