WOW. Talk about a crazy couple of days for BC. Snow fall started Saturday night and well into Sunday and yesterday was whiteout conditions throughout most of BC and the lower mainland. The kiddies got to stay home and got to work late (thanks Transit!) but otherwise, the day went off fairly well. I was up to my nose in promo stuff yesterday trying to get a document together for this morning. I was even here until 6 - everyone else left right at 5PM. It's days like yesterday that make me wish for that new computer to have arrived already but I checked the status and it's not supposed to arrive until Friday. Bummer. Back to the my place, we have about 3 feet of snow which has not made life easy. Today's big problem is the ice. The windshield is WAY up today and everything is frozen solid. A good day to stay home bundled up with a blankie but no such luck, I'm back in the office.

I hope everyone had a great week and weekend. I realize it was extra quiet last week with the holidays but I think things are pretty much back to least until the holidays. Less than a month to go people! I hope you have your plans ready folks!

Gotta jet for now...a bunch of stuff left to do. Happy Tuesday!


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Anonymous said...

I just want to stay off the roads when our weather gets like this! I am not looking forward to driving on icy roads at all! Booooo!

November 28, 2006 3:36 p.m.

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