More snow. We had 2 inches when I left the house this morning and I stood in the freezing cold waiting for the bus, another 1/2 inch fell, some of it on me. I got on the bus and was caked with snow. Not fun. The commute was surprisingly good but then, I leave the house really early. The accountant, who comes in from further out, is still not here and she's called the boss lady to let her know she's going to be about another hour. I don't get it. If you knew it was going to be bad weather out, wouldn't you leave the house earlier? Maybe it's just me but that seems like the thing to do. Oh well.

First class went well. Looks like it's going to be an interesting course though it focuses more on western religions that I had expected (I thought it was going to be more of a mix). I like John and the class is a good size for discussion plus it sounds like most of the folks in there know what the hell they're talking about. Should be good. There is one girl at the front that pisses me off (and we had a short class yesterday). It's funny really. The prof is obviously not impressed and he shakes off her comments with little remarks that, to me, sound like he's trying to tell her that they're not appropriate. We'll have to see how it develops.

I had a big problem with some of the blogs yesterday. For some reason, nearly all of the blogs I visit regularly stopped working. Looked like it may have been a problem with google and all seems well now!

Other than that, things are fairly quiet. Hope everyone is having a good hump day!

On Crucial Platetary Preferences, Actor's Thoughts About

I've always liked Saturn. But I also have some sympathy for Pluto because I heard it's been downgraded from a planet and I think it should remain a planet. Once you've given something planetary status it's kind of mean to take it away.

actor Jared Leto


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Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the snow to stop coming down!!!

January 10, 2007 10:27 a.m.

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