For some reason I feel like I've been a bad Marina. I'm not sure why but it's like I'm forgetting something really important that's going to hit me square in the forehead. I've looked at my calendar and checked everything I could think of but I'm still feeling like something isn't quite "on". Maybe it's just lack of sleep. I stayed up WAY past my bedtime working on Top Secret Assignment #1. It's mostly done, just needs a few adjustments which I can worry about next week.

Other than this project and the website update, I haven't managed to do too much else. I did finish reading Perfume: The Story of a Murderer and wow, it was interesting. And I had thought the movie was a bit on the strange side...

The podcast was iTunes approved this morning. I'm actually not that thrilled at going this route but, I don't have a choice considering everyone and their mother uses iTunes. I'll have to edit the post tonight.

Alright, that's it for now. I have a bunch of reading to do and some actual office work too so I better hop to it.

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Good to know that I can make use of my electronics in Hell...


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