I soooooooo don't want to be here. It's a beautiful day outside. It's Friday and I'm swamped with work up to my eyeballs. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I just want a few minutes to breathe, do some blog reading and maybe leave early (yeah right!). Lots to do this weekend including a paper, some reading, dentist appointment, movie outing and not to mention work on the new site. Ugh. Thinking about it is making me tired.

I was feeling all lame and kinda depressed and then I found the BEST thing ever online. I can't share it because it's simply too delicious to share but let me tell you, it put a HUGE smile on my face and made me all dreamy and stuff. Double ugh. I like the feeling but why can't it be about someone I can ACTUALLY meet? Yeah, I know you all know who I'm talking about but eh.

So today's KFF is FANTASTICO and expanded my already smiley face a little more.

And to finish off a hectic week, here's a little something stupid that some insane old men did:

On Mistake Identity Problems, All Too Typical

Mario Orsini, 73, faces assault charges for shooting and wounding his brother, Donato, 66, after mistaking him for a woodchuck, police said.

from a USA Today story

I even laughed again when I wrote it. WTF? How do you mistake a full grown man for a woodchuck????????!?!?!?!!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Post a Comment 1 comments:

Anonymous said...

Hope you get a chance to relax this weekend! Have a good one!

February 02, 2007 2:50 p.m.

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