Well boys and girls it's been an interesting couple of days. I had a dentist appointment on Saturday which turned into a two day affair after the dentists discovered a "hidden" cavity that required a root canal.

Dentist: Don't you feel any pain?
Me: No. Nothing.
Dentist: I don't understand it. You should be in excruciating pain. I mean, so much pain that you shouldn't be able to function.
Me: I guess I have a heightened tolerance to pain (total BS - I'm usually pretty teary when it comes to my teeth).
Dentist: Do you mind if I use your file as a case study for the Board of Dental Practitioners?
Me: Do I get a discount? :)
Dentist: I'm sure we can arrange something.

So there you have it. Turns out that what looked like a typical filling in the XRays had somehow managed to turn into a root canal. It started at the back of the tooth and bore it's way through nicking the root on the way - hence the excruciating pain I should be feeling. Needless to say, I returned for round 2 on Sunday which caused me to have to cancel the movie event. Oh well, I don't we were missing much.

My mouth was still sore yesterday and today it seems a bit better though it's still a bit sore back there. I can't wait until all of this dental work is taken care of. Just a few more appointments to go!

It's been a crazy couple of days at the office here and I didn't manage to get anything done yesterday, including filing that I had to leave behind on Friday. Things appear to be slowing down a little which is nice. I could use the breathing time.

I'll leave you know with something really stupid. Actually, this is a bit of a joke with a few of the writers I know who joke that the suicide (NOT funny) rate of literary agents must have doubled when J.K. Rowling hit the big time. It's rumored that she took her work to 0ver 20 agents before someone finally decided to giver her a shot. And an agent make what...10%? Yeah. That's a big hit.

On Editor's Advice, Bad

You'll never make any money out of children's books, Jo. Keep your real job.

Bloomsbury Books editor to Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling, after purchasing Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (for $1,910) in 1996.


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