It's been a bit crazy around here but things are finally starting to settle back to normal. I was going to post yesterday after class but I decided to crash in front of the TV to catch Nelly Furtado on CSI:NY. FIRST time I've ever seen the show and only because she was in it. I wonder how many other people did that? To boot, she wasn't that bad. Way to go Nelly. Local Victoria girl and Portuguese to boot!

I wrote my translation exam yesterday and wow, I actually used the full two hours. The translations themselves weren't bad but the forming of coherent sentences for the discussion portion proved a little difficult after a crazy day at work. However, I think I managed well. I guess I'll have to wait until next week to find out for sure!

I discovered a new drink yesterday. It's called "London Fog" and it's earl grey tea, steamed milk and vanilla. YUM. Seriously. It's awesome. Almost better than coffee. I NEVER imagined anything that good could exist.

You'll notice that I added a little something to the top of the post. It's a new feature I'm calling "SotD" for Song of the Day. I'll add it to the top of the post every day so that if you want, you can listen to some FANTASTIC music, picked by me, while you're reading the post. Fun eh? Yeah. I knew you'd love it.

Last but certainly not least, here is today's stupid thing. And I've been holding on to this one since Sunday. It's THAT good.

On Those All Too Frequent Once-In-A-Lifetime Moments

You only get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so many times.

Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Ike Tayler, after being chosen to start in an exhibition game


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Anonymous said...

I used to love the video for Elastica's Connection!!

February 08, 2007 11:25 a.m.

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