Today's song is one of my favorites for this day of the week. I try to make a point of listening to it on Friday mornings. Gets me pumped for the weekend!

It's been a week full of interesting classes but perhaps one of the best was last night's discussion on intelligent design. I've been so smitten by this idea that I'm actively searching for more information on the subject. I may even venture into text book territory. Some of the arguments are very compelling while others just make me shake my head. Definitely something to ponder with a little extra reading.

I jumped into a Skype voice chat yesterday and wow, was it ever cool. Can't wait to do that again.

And that's kind of it I guess. I'm happy the week is almost over and I'll be hysterically happy when 5pm rolls around tonight. It's going to be a great weekend and I can't wait for it to start!

Today's KFF is a more serious picture. Love it.

And to finish off the week, today's stupid thing:

On And If You Want a Ride On The Ferris Wheel, You Go To The Butcher Shop

Game show host Peter Marshall:
What do you like if you're a carnivore?

Woman: Um, I go to carnivals.
Have a great weekend everyone!


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Anonymous said...

Everyone's on Skype! Intelligent design sounds interesting...what is that about?? Have a great weekend!

February 09, 2007 9:49 a.m.

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