More Time Killers

As if I don't already have enough stuff to eat into my time, I just discovered Flixter through a Facebook invite.

I always assumed Flixter was an online video rental program but now I found out it's a movie tracker. And gracious me, it's now on my Facebook page.

Oh the insanity!


A Reminder of Why I Love William Gibson's Work

Montreal I at least had heard of. Toronto. A city. In Canada. Quite a big one, it seemed, riding the bus in from Washington, one afternoon in 1967.

It consisted largely, I found, of the most amiable sort of repurposed semi-ruins. A vast Victorian colonial seashell of blackened brick, shot through with big, grim grey bones of earnest civic Modernism. I marvelled that such an odd place could have existed without my having heard of it. North of New England, all this baroque, mad brick; sandstone gargoyles, red trams, the Queen's portrait everywhere.

Read the entire article here.


I'm having a hard time balancing the movie blog and regular postings here but hopefully, now that things are under a little more control, it'll be smoother sailing.

The extra posting I've been doing the last few weeks has really grown the size of the blog to an even and steady number of daily hits and at this rate, we may actually get to 20,000 page views per month in June. That would be a FANTASTIC accomplishment.

Going to a Drupal meeting tonight to learn a little more about design. Hopefully this will lead to a kick-start in the re-design of the website.

Not much else to report at the moment but I'd like to share this cool video with you. It's pretty darn funny.



Let's begin with a very special birthday wish to the movie that inspired a generation of directors, movie fans and geekboys and girls: Star Wars. May the power be strong for another 30.

It's been a bit of a crazy week. It's been particularly busy at work thanks in part to the long weekend and the fact that the accountant is off today and I'm stuck in the office for the day. Not so much as a coffee break. It's a bit of a bugger. Tomorrow afternoon I'll be turning into a photographer when I make my way down to our presentation center to catalog the suite in pictures. I'm actually looking forward to that. I've never done this type of thing before. Should be fun.

Before I disappear before a mound of paperwork for the day and the rest of the weekend, I want to wish everyone south of the 49th a safe and fun long weekend!

And now, drum roll please, today's KFF: Back to Basics.


I'm completely out of patience at the moment.

The movie site has been done for over 5 hours and I've been in touch with the hosting providers 3 times already with no new updates. I'm pissed off. More because I can't seem to get an answer from anyone on what the hell is going on other than "administrators are working to fix the problem asap". For 5 freakin' hours? Yeah, I'm pissed.

This is bound to put a little smile on my face.


Not the greatest day today. True, it's the Friday before a long weekend but I've been coming in at 8AM for over a week, working an extra half an hour every day and I still haven't managed to leave early one day this week. And that looks like it will be the case again today. The day when I *wish* I could go and the boss lady still hasn't called me back about it. It's put a bit of a damper on my day.

It's been a bit of a hectic week and the posting has been sporadic. I hope to be back to normal next week.

Until then, I leave you with this week's KFF. Have a great weekend everyone!



One day, when I build my in-home movie theater, I want these chairs.


Holy Mother.....

I'm like a bloody 2 year old with stuff like this.....

I don't know how but my little inbox just exploded with FANTASTIC (pun intended) news.

We've gotten an invite tot he press screening and conference for Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer.


Now, I can only *hope* this is near by so that I can actually make it........


Geek News Roundup

This MTV mash-up album has to be one of the best things EVER. Jay-Z and Linkin Park together? I'm not complaining. Quite the opposite, I *love* it. I only bring this up because I'm about to upload the new LP album to my mp3 player. Can't wait.

Don't be surprised if the internet loads a little slower today. At 5AM this morning, a select half million gamers got the go ahead to download the beta version of Halo 3. Halo 3 you ask? Well, we'll just say it's the game I'm most looking forward to.

In other geek news, Maxim posted their list of Hot 100 girls and Second Life girl made the list at number 95 (I'll refrain from commenting on the skank that topped the list). Second Life you ask?

That's about all the geek news I've got for today. Here's today's PWF:


Good Day

So far it's been a good day for me but Chrysler isn't doing so well and Sheldon says it best:


*MORE* Bruce

OMG. All of this Bruce stuff is freakin' awesome! Here's a behind the scenes clip from those Old Spice commercials I've been going on about.

This all just keeps getting BETTER.


Love Music - You'll Love MusicMesh

Holy Mother. Dawn posted a link on her site this morning that ROCKS. I mean, *seriously* rocks.

This is the coolest damned thing.


It's called musicmesh and it will save you from EVER having to search YouTube for that music video you so love. I've typed in a bunch of different things and it has videos for everything! BRILLIANT!


More Bruce

OK. Some of you may have seen the post on the movie website about the new Bruce Campbell Old Spice ad (If not, check it out here).

Now, some great soul has posted the Bruce's Spider-Man 3 cameo. Check it out below!


More Toys

I've had a headache for 2 days. Not sure what it's from considering all I did yesterday was clean-up, dentist, hang with mom for a bit, BBQ, eat and laze in front of the TV. I even slept though the middle chunk of The Sopranos. I wish I knew what was up. I'm feeling a little better now but not by much. Tonight, I'm heading home to relax. Hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow.

On Saturday, D decided that instead of going on vacation by himself, he was going to spend a chunk of the money on something totally useless that he could amuse himself with during his time off. A few telephone calls and a trip to the mall later, we have a new toy.

Here it is....

And here's D putting it in...

I haven't played it yet though I did buy myself a little game and yesterday I saw a Capcon classics game for $14 which I need to buy. Oh my. Street Fighter at home???? YEY!


Yey! It's here!

I was going to post a little later today but I'm thinking it's going to get a little crazy around here in the next hour or so and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can slip out of here a little earlier today.

Lots to do over the next few days but it's all fun stuff so I'm really looking forward to it, other than that, nothing new to report so I'll head right into the KFF.

I must tell you, I love all the pictures I post but this one takes the cake for me. I don't know why but it puts a pep in my day.

Have a great weekend everyone!


It's been an interesting day. For the rest of the week and next week I'll be starting work at 8AM. The project manager, who usually comes in at 8 and answers the phone until I start at 8:30, is on holidays and the accountant cried and whined about coming in so early to cover so guess who gets the job instead? Yeah. To get here 30 minutes earlier means getting up a full hour earlier. It's a pain in the ass I tell you.

Class was good last night. My cousin's girlfriend walked in just before we got started. It's kind of cool having class with her because she's also a big movie fan. So far it's been good. We saw the only full feature we're going to see in class, a French Canadian film called Jesus of Montreal and it was pretty good. We got a sense of the professor and he seems good except that after the movie he brought up a couple of points "that we may have missed" that were blatantly obvious, or at least I thought they were. We'll have to see what the rest of the class thought when we get together again next week. I think it'll be a good one.

I was going to make a pitstop at the movies tonight but I've decided to go home instead. I have a bunch of things I need to watch and do so I'll take care of that stuff tonight.

Hope everyone's having a great week!


Finally Back

Sorry guys. It's been a little crazy the last few days and I just haven't had the chance to update. It's been busy but good.

I'm excited about tonight. First night of film class. OMG I'm getting really excited.

Also, because I've had a few people bring it up, I'm going to test out a new Wednesday feature. It's called the Pitt Wednesday Find (how original eh?)...PWF for short and, as with the KFF, it's going to be a picture of Brad on Wednesdays. Here's the first installment. Enjoy.

I'll be back tomorrow with an update on how class went!


Weekend? Where?

I started this post nearly an hour ago and then I got sidetracked. What else is bloody new?

Things are INSANE this afternoon. I've been roped into sticking around the office until 7PM which means my weekend won't start until then and I figure since I've already missed a chunk of BIFF, I'll run some errands down here, head home and relax tonight.

The weekend is going to be BUSY. Lots to cram in between now and Monday and then next week classes start up again. I'm *really* excited (yes, still blathering about that) and I can't wait to tell you how great it's going to be.

For now, I've gotta go and finish a truckload of crap so tata folks. Hope everyone has a good one!

This week's KFF:


Disapointment - Sort Of

I've been trying to be a little more 'responsible' about my spending so over the last few months, I've really been cutting back on impulse buying. Sometimes, this doesn't work to your advantage. Let me share with you this little example. Last month D and I were at Costco when I spotted a pair of super sweet wireless headphones at the smokin' price of $89. I decided not to buy them that day and, instead, I made a pact with myself. If at the end of April I still wanted them, I'd come and buy them. So I waited.

In the meantime, I spotted the same exact headphones over at Future Shop for $150 bucks. I started to get really excited about getting them and for 4 weeks I put a little money aside for these things.

Yesterday we go to Costco, me with every intention to buy the wicked cool wireless headphones ('cause I can use them to watch movies in the bedroom when you're sleeping honey!) and disaster. I can't find them! They must have moved them! We wonder around for 10 minutes before I find someone who works there. I ask. They don't have any more. Greyskull be damned. I was pissed. I still am pissed.

So instead, I bought useless stuff. Cool but useless stuff. Namely this:

And yes Colleen, I'll be lending it to you if you'd like.



Here's something nice for you for the middle of the week.

It's pictures like these, from his upcoming film The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford that remind me why I've always thought Brad Pitt was such a gorgeous man.



Rage is All The Rage

When I was in high-school, one of my favorite bands was Rage Against the Machine. Not only did these guys know how to rock hard, but they managed to include a poignant message in every single song. The talented Zack de la Rocha, the man behind the lyrics, left the band in 2000 to start a solo career and the rest of the guys took on Chris Cornell (formerly of Soundgarden and his own solo work) to form the supergroup Audioslave.

Now, 7 years later, Zack and the guys are back and recently played at Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival to a couple of thousand of adoring fans. The real story here is that the highly political band reunites among some of the most heated political times in recent US history. I hope that this isn't just a short reprise and that we do get to hear something new from Rage. I'm looking forward to it.

On an unrelated note, our most recent podcast has been posted here.

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