One Day to Go!

Oh goodness. I can't wait 'till tomorrow at 5PM. I'm soooo very excited about this week being nearly over. Forget the fact that the MIL is coming Saturday to stay for a week. I'm just thrilled to get an extra day for sleep!

It's been a pretty quiet day. It's actually been a really quiet week and I've just been getting myself into more trouble, finding MORE stuff to read. YIKES! Yesterday, near the end of the day, I applied for Media accredidation for the VIFF. I'm not sure if they'll even respond to my request but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try. The catalyst for this came after I discovered that 1,467 are subscribed to my movie blog. That's not aggregators but actual subscribers. The number, according to the tracking service, is +/-15 so, either way, it's still pretty damned good. Sure, it's not a crazy amount considering the potential but it's also not bad considering I've only been "live" for a few months. That, along with the fact that if this pans out, I'll actually get to see stuff for free. COOLNESS.

That was the peak of yesterday and today's hasn't happened yet. Grandmama is home today. YEY! Her flight landed at 2(ish) PM and right after work I'm heading out to see her. It feels like years since I've seen her when, in reality, it's only been a few months. It's amazing how much I miss someone that, when here, I only see a few times every couple of weeks.

I leave you with this picture. For some reason, he's been 'haunting' my dreams. It's a little freaky... And, of course, I had to post the sexyest picture I could find. Makes me smile.



Oh jeez. I'm not sure what I was thinking yesterday. Today is just dragging along with no sight of the finish line. I'm just not sure I can make it through the next two days without some time off. I may ask to leave early on Friday. Not sure I can make it out through today never mind until then.

Nothing much going on in my little part of the world. I didn't get home until rather late last night and then I did some stuff on the computer until an ungodly and unmentionable hour. I had this idea this morning that I'd get home after work tonight, make dinner and go right to bed but now, I have all these ideas of things I want to do. We'll see how things go once I get home tonight.

A girlfriend of mine gave me a catalogue the other day saying "I just KNOW you'll love this". Well, she was right on. I've been drooling over the catalogue and the site but I still haven't decided on what to buy. I love SOOOO much of the stuff I'm just not sure what I should get first! I thought this might be of interest to a few folks. It's called The Pyramid Collection. Consider yourself warned.

Now I'm off to find something to do for the next 2 1/2 hours that are left in my day. Yuck.



It was a rather eventful weekend. D and I went car shopping on Saturday and finally thought we'd found a car. The dealership even gave us a courtesy car to get around in until yesterday when we were scheduled to go back to the sign all the paperwork. Except that when we arrived, we found out that we couldn't get into the car that we had originally selected. It's a big convoluded story about depreciation and total value of the vehicle. After looking around for nearly an hour, we had almost decided to walk away when I spotted this little one at the other end of the lot. It was a little over our price range but the sales manager was determined to have us walk away with a car and when he came back saying he'd meet the price of our first choice. So we took her out for a test drive, loved her and signed all the paperwork. By the time we left the dealership at 9:30 last night, we were the proud new parents of a 2005 Ford Focus ZX4. It's a fun, sporty car, decent gas consumption and, above all else, ours. Here's a pic:

That's the one. Same colour and everything. We're really happy. This now means that we can actually go away on little weekend trips, D can drive to work (it'll actually be cheaper for him than taking transit because he commutes agains traffic) and it completely fits into our budget. I'm so thrilled I can't begin to tell you. The amazing part is that it's our first "major" purhcase together. Sure, we've bought other things like a TV and a bed but nothing like this.

Other than the car excitement, it was a pretty quiet weekend. We car shopped on Saturday, went to see Snakes on a Plane and on Sunday we did very little except shop for groceries. Exciting eh?

Grandma comes back from Portugal on Thursday. I'm sooooooooooo excited to see her. I've missed her somethin' fierce (bonus point if you know where that's stolen from). Saturday afternoon is the arrival of the mother in law for the annual visit. This year, there's so much stuff going on that I'm actually not dreading having her here. It'll only be for a week and most of the time I'll be working or out and about so I'll only have to buckle down for the weekends. Oh well, it's only once a year.

Hope everyone is having a good week so far. I know, it's only Tuesday but the week should fly!



I'm feeling lousy today. It's the first time in a long time that I've suffered through painful cramps during you know what. I'm really not feeling up to par. I had a hard time sleeping last night too so I'm a bit extra tired today. Even with all of that, I'm sooooooo happy it's the end of another work week. It's been a bit testing with all the shit flinging around the office but things appear to be a bit calmer today. And even if it starts again later, I know there are only 6 hours left to go. I'm so thrilled I'm actually counting down hours. Sad, I know.

So I went to see The Illusionist on Wednesday night (review here). I bring this up because, for some reason, I left the theatre in a bit of an altered state. Not sure what it was because although I loved the movie, it's not the best thing I've ever seen and it's not like it has some deep rooted, life altering message. I was just in a sort of trance. The feeling was so nice that I refused to let it go away. I didn't read on the way home, I listened to Grieg instead. I just wanted to keep that moment of peace and contentment going for as long as possible. I succeeded too. I still have little bits of it and I can't wait to get more of it back. I think it may have been a combination of the story and mood of the movie. Not 100% sure. All I know is that I felt really happy after that.

No groundbreaking plans for the weekend. I have to make a trip to the hospital as one of my uncles had his appendix removed yesterday. Some of you may remember this guy. He's the one that asked what D was doing at the hospital when my other uncle died earlier this year. I tried to find the post but couldn't. I'm still a bit angry at him for that so I wasn't going to go but, I've given in and decided to be "the bigger person". D and I are going to see him on Saturday for a bit, just to pop in, say hi, make sure he's doing ok. Then off to "SoaP" and Sunday we may take a trip out to the local comic convention which happens every few months. We'll see how things go.

And now for what you've all been waiting for! ;) This week's KFF. This week, we're going for a bit of a sexyer picture. No drooling or swooning please! I would have for you to have to wipe drool from your keyboard! *hehehe*

As a little bonus, I also found this little bit of fan fic. It's not fantastic, but it'd definately fun. You can read the story (it's pretty short) here.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!


And Now for Something Completely Different!

No joke folks. This IS completely different. After watching G-Man's video casts, I decided to give this a shot myself. I've had this fancy camera for a while that D gave me so that I could use it for MSN but I don't really chat so I haven't used it for a while. After watching G-Man's video, I decided to give it a shot. This is my first attempt in front of the camera. Be nice. Please.



Holy Shit.

On a whim, I just googled my nick name "themarina". Nearly all of the first 6 pages are me. WOW.



I'm a vision of disorganization this morning. It's a combination of being tired and having nothing to do...

Last night, I was going to meet the movie group to see The Illusionist. I had just finished dinner and was walking out of the restaurant to head down to the theatre when my phone rings. I picked it up without even looking at the number and was surprised to hear the Dragon Lady on the other end. She'd forgotten they had a meeting at the architect's office. She needed me to take minutes. Me, being the moron that I am (but only after a bit of quiet coaxing on her part), agreed. Didn't finish 'till almost nine. When I got home, I was kinda ticked off to the point that I couldn't really sleep so I stayed up and watched one of my most recent acquisitions Clueless. OMG. Watching this was like flashing back to highschool. From the music to the clothes and the talk. I think I *still* say "What-ever!". I, again, laughed at the NIN/Rolling Stones comparison and lets not forget the super handsome and sweet Paul Rudd. When I watched 40 Year Old Virgin I knew I'd seen him somewhere but I couldn't quite figure out where. Now I know. Needless to say, I'm going to the movie tonight. Yes, by myself.

I happened to notice a bunch of kids in Tool T-shirts yesterday. Not that it's anything weird but it seemed like more than normal. Turns out, Tool was in town yesterday. Not sure how I missed that concert announcement but I did. If I'd known earlier, I would have gotten some tickets. Oh well. Next time.

Oh yeah, and I'm completely hooked on the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" books. I'll pretty much read anything that is recommended (thought it's always harder if it's non-fiction) and I picked up the first two books at my Bookcrossing meeting earlier this month. I read them and yesterday I had to go back and get the third one. I'm completely hooked. Too bad this is the last of the series. If someone can recommend anything similar, I'd love to hear about it.

Hope you're all having a good "hump" day.


A Great Weekend Followup

Well, this weekend turned out to be fantastic fun. Actually, that should really read Saturday turned out to be fantastic fun because I did little of anything on Sunday. On Saturday D and I went to Canada's first ever Flugtag event. German for "day of flight" (or something to that effect…can't find the exact meaning of the word today…), this is an event put on by Red Bull and although this has been going on for years around the world, this weekend marked the first ever Canadian Flugtag. It was the best time D and I have had out for a long time. And totally free to boot! I've posted my pictures of the event but I thought I'd share my favourite team with you:

Yes you see right. That is indeed a mustache. A giant, flying mustache. It was a lot of fun. I got a bit of a sunburn (I still can't believe that!) and D and I are really excited for next year. We weren't really prepared for this one but we will be! Plus, some friends of ours came out from Bumfuck Nowhere to see the event with their kiddies and now we're all talking of submitting an "aircraft". I doubt we'll ever go ahead with it but it was fun to talk about it afterwards. I was sooooo exhausted from all of the sun that on Sunday, we went out from brunch and while D when to look at cars, I went home, did a bit of laundry and vegged out with a few choice movies. Yeah, really lazy day.

Yesterday was a busy day around here. I've never scanned so much stuff in one day. Today, I'm updating all of our documents with the new logo. I'll do that a bit later thought. I'm going to enjoy having the office to myself for a bit this morning!



Well, I'm glad to report that I managed to make it through the week to enjoy yet another KFF. Actually, the hardest thing I've had to do today (mind you, it's only 10:30....a lot can happen between now and 5PM) was pick a picture for this week's KFF. I picked a couple of choice ones but here's the best of best of the bunch:

I'm not sure what the writing says because I don't read Japanese (at least I think it's Japanese) but if someone out there can figure it out, I'd love to know! :) He looks so intense yet so sexy. *sigh* I've noticed I revert to a 15 year old version of myself whenever I see picture of Keanu. We're all allowed a secret crush right? Right?

Lisa mentioned the other day that there was a bit of a blogging rut going on. I think she hit it right on when she noted it may have something to do with the summer being nearly over and people wanting to take advantage of it. I say go out and take advantage folks. Have a great time, enjoy some sun and relaxation! Here's hoping you take it easy this weekend.

*EDIT - I just realized when re-reading this that my crush isn't quite so secret anymore. Oops. Oh well. Keanu, if you're reading this...Nah, forget it.*


Dreaded Thursday

For me, Thursday is one of the worse days of the week (right after Monday). I say this because it's the day before the best day of the week and as much as you want it to fly by, it seems to drag on even longer. Today is one of those dragger-oner days that I hope will end soon.

I realized that I've not updated on the car buying situation. D and I did go shopping on Saturday. He's decided and set his heart on the Mazda 3 Sport. The problem is that it's a couple of bucks over our budget. He's so set on getting this that he left the salesman to do some talking with the manager's to see if something could be done for us. We've been waiting for nearly a week and all we've heard so far was that he's still working on it. I don't think it's going to happen but he's got his heart set on it so, we're in limbo. He wants it so badly he's thinking of putting his raise (which is retroactive until March and will, hopefully, be applied in September - which means at least $2,000) down as a down payment. This would bring the monthly payments into our budget. To be honest, as much as I love this car, I'd be happier with the Pontiac Wave. True it's not quite as nice and fancy as the Mazda (and not quite as big either) but it's similar in style (hatchback) and the payments are much lower. I'm letting him take the lead on this one. We've set a budget and as long as he sticks to it, I'm ok - thought let it be known that as much as I love fancy, pretty things, I'd rather have the lower payment.

I don't usually do this but there were a couple of recent news stories that have made me very happy. One is the recent release of the 2006 list of most powerful Canadians in Hollywood. I was impressed to see that Keanu Reeves came in third and Shatner was still in the top 5. Keeanu is an interesting one because he's not technically Canadian but he grew up in Toronto. Oh well, we'll take it! More on this can be found here.

The second (still happy but a bit more pensive too) was the news that they have finally apprehended a suspect in the JonBenet Ramsay murder. I'm not sure what was most disturbing about this case: the fact that they couldn't find the killer, the grizzly murder, the media craziness or the fact that the poor parents had to deal with everything from media to accusations of involvement in the death of their little girl. Either way, I'm thrilled that they caught this bastard and I hope they take justice to the fullest extent of the law. I'm not one to stand behind capital punishment but if he's guilty (which he has confessed to), I hope they do kill him.

Enough of that. After all that sad talk, I think it's time for a crummy joke. Yes, a laugh before the end of the day.

Computers are like air conditioners. They work fine until you start opening windows.



What an afternoon yesterday was. By a couple of strange coincidences, I found out that Brian Jonestown Massacre are coming to town in September. Sis and I discovered them after seeing DiG! This is the concert no one knows about. It was listed on Yahoo's new service but no one in town appeared to know anything about it. It's not listed on the venue's website and nothing at ticketmaster. I ended up having to call around to the independent music stores and finally tracked down tickets at Zulu. If you're up for some great music and totally off the wall, unpredictable performances (and you happen to be in town September 9th), I suggest you check them out. Tickets are only $15 so you really can't go wrong…

The movie group met at a new local theater. OK. So it's not exactly totally new but it is revamped. The RIO is located near the corner of Broadway and Commercial. Fancy new seating, amazing staff and a nice size screen and sound makes this a great place for movies, not to mention the really excellent prices ($5 for a matinee and special Tuesday pricing). If you're in town, I suggest you give this place a shot. Awesome.

It doesn't happen often but occasionally I come across a product that really blows my mind. Lately, I've discovered two. The first is Dove invisible deodorant. I know, kind of cheesy but it's difficult finding a deodorant that is truly invisible but this one is. Love it. The second is Sunlight's Mango Papaya dish soap. OMG. The best, best, best dish soap out there. It's like doing dishes in the jungle. Makes the entire kitchen smell like fresh fruit. Unbelievable.

I hope you're all having a good week! :)


Learning Goodness

It was an interesting day yesterday. I was shipped out to one of the site offices for the majority of the day to set up a computer and printer. After four hours of working in a damned sauna, I still had no internet running and, due to that, I also couldn't' set up the printer because I couldn't download the USB driver for Win98. Nightmare. Finally got back at 3:45. Got nothing done. Completely unproductive day. I just hope I can fix this remotely. I don't wanna go back!

D and I have been testing a 32-bit version of Windows Vista Beta for a few days. My initial reaction is that, esthetically speaking, it looks very much like a Mac or Linux OS. This is where the similarities end. Nothing really new here. All of the super cool desktop functionality they keep talking about (like 3D file browsing) requires a 64-bit version which 95% of folks can't run yet. I'm also pissy at the fact that some of the added functionality includes a "powerful" desktop and PC search. It doesn't work nearly as well as the Google desktop. And I figure we're supposed to be impressed by IE7. Yeah. Not so much. I'll stick to Mozilla thank-you-very-much. To boot, the beta release is deathly thin in the driver categories. Some of our stuff (including the video card) isn't fully integrated and don't even think about printing. I guess this is to be expected with a beta release but I've downloaded some much better Linux betas. I think I may need to re-visit Linux.

I'd like to finish off by sharing with you some newly found knowledge so that you don't have to learn this the hard way. This may turn into a semi regular installment as it appears that with my recent involvement with all of these groups, some of which have "foreign" members, I'm learning new things every day.

"Wife Beater" - What Stella beer is referred to in Scotland. My teacher in this one explained that this is some of the stronger beer you can buy and the big joke is that guys will have a couple of these and go home and beat their wives. His words, not mine. The name has stuck and now that's what they call the beer.

"Prince Albert" - No. Not the man. This one is important. The last thing you want is to have some guy show you his Prince Albert. Might be cool to see, for sure, but trust me, you don't want this to be a total surprise. This is a piercing of the penis. I didn't have to dig far to find a graphic but I'd rather not expose everyone to it. If you want more information and a graphic you can look here.


KFF Plus a Few Things More...

My baaaaaaaaaaaaad. I've been remiss in posting this week. On Wednesday I decided to try incorporating google adds a little better on the new site and that little project spawned a couple of other things that needed to be done first. So this is mostly what I've been working on this week.

It's been pretty quiet on the office front. With 2 of the folks that give me the most work away, it's been particularly quiet so I've managed to do a lot of non-work "work" this week. It's a good thing they're not a technically savvy bunch, the Dragon Lady can't even figure out how to check the movie times (she asks me to set it up every week. It's bookmarked and she still can't figure it out…), otherwise, I'd probably be jobless right now. I just hope I win the lotto this weekend. Then I could just do this stuff from home, in my PJs, stuffing my face with ice cream with Oprah blaring on the television.

After much haggling, I finally gave in and am "sharing". I've given a friend of mine my poetry book. Oh ghawd. I read through it the other day before I put it in my bag and nearly chocked on some of the stuff. It's from my teen years. Some of it is sooooooooooooooo bad. I'm actually curious as to what she'll say. I'm hoping she'll be honest and tell me if it's bad but secretly, I want her to like it. We all have that secret inner self that wants to succeed right? My inner self wants to be liked.

D and I are missing the Abbotsford Airshow this year. It's too bad too because it's shaping up to be one of the best ones ever. It just sort of sneaked up on us. Maybe next year. As it stands, it's going to be a busy weekend with seeing friends and car shopping. Yes, you read right. We're going to try this again. It's turning into a huge saga, almost like trying to have a baby. In a sense it is the same. It'll be our first "investment" together. At least this one is paid off in 5 years. This time, I think we're really ready. D wants to have the insurance for the year together before we buy but I'm sure if there's a good enough "deal", he'll be suckered in. Personally, we should have bought the one a few months back when we *almost* signed but, I digress. We'll see how it goes.

And to finish off the week on a fantastic note, here is this week's KFF (Keanu Friday Find). This picture has been around for a few years but it's fantastic. Enjoy.

Have a great weekend everyone!



It's amazing how I'm always more tired after a long weekend than before one. Today is no exception. I'm exhausted. And I didn't even do anything all that exciting over the weekend!

D and I went to a BBQ at his cousin's place on Saturday. Except it wasn't really a BBQ. It was more of a concert. His cousin's husband has a band and for the last couple of years they've been having concerts that they call "Ridgestock", named after the area of town they live in. They basically set up some tents, the boys jam and they invite friends, neighbours and family. It was awesome fun. They even sold T-Shirts (with money going to charity) and band CD's. My only complaint was that when it got dark, the mosquitoes came out and I wasn't really ready for them so my legs were eaten alive.

Sunday was a trip to the movies with D for The Descent which turned out to be really good (a review has been posted). On Monday, D went out with his bro but my legs had swollen up due to the mosquito attack of Saturday and I could barely walk. It was unbearable. I didn't think I was allergic but I guess that many bites will cause anyone a little bit of aching. I rolled out of bed at noon and onto the couch and did little else. I did manage to clean up a little and do laundry but most of my day was spent watching TV, playing video games and snoozing. However, even with that rest, I'm still tired today. Yuk.

I have yet another new toy. The Dragon Lady gave me a bit of a bonus last week. After discussions with hubby, we decided that I could spend the money rather than putting it towards something useful (like bills). So I went out and bought myself a Nintendo DS Lite. I've been eyeing this for a few months but I just couldn't justify the expense. So, this bit of money she gave me paid for the thing and all I did was buy the game. I've been playing it non-stop for 4 days (I've had it since Friday). I *love* it. And, unlike the other gaming systems I've purchased over the years and then regretted getting rid of, I'm going to keep this one for the long run. Lots of games and it even plays games from the old Game Boy system. I love it.

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!


Friday Fun Day

Thankfully, the weekend is almost here. Unbeknownst to me, it also happens to be a long weekend with Monday being some sort of civic holiday - don't ask me which one. I don't know. I'm just happy for the extra day off.

It's been an interesting week. It's been busy the last few days working like a dog for the Construction Manager who happens to be on holiday today and next week. Now things are quiet again except for the Dragon Lady freaking out about lawyers and agreements and shite. God forbid they don't make their 25M but instead only 24. I don't actually know what the figures are but it's hard to feel sorry for someone who has so much and gives so little. Is it too much to ask for you to finally hire me and pay ME the $24.50/h rather than the agency who, you KNOW because you've ASKED, only gives me $15? And some folks wonder why I'm kind of bitter. The truth is, I don't mind the work and except for the few hours she spends in the office during the week, I'm pretty much in charge and I do things the way I want which makes the job that much more enjoyable. I just wish the pay was better.

I just came back from lunch. What a saga. Accountant Lady (AL) was leaving at 12:30 today so I went for lunch at 12. I actually left a bit before 12 because I had to go and pick something up at Future Shop. So I trek my ass up there, pick up my stuff and I start walking back. Then I see a bus coming down the hill so I get on it. Mistake. So I'm at the back of the bus and at the next stop I step down. Doors don't open. Shit. I'm on the express bus. It DOESN'T unload. OMFG. So between two stops I cram my way up to the front of the bus and plead with the driver to let me off. He finally feels bad for me and lets me off. You should've seen me. I turned red like a tomato while pleading like a stupid mofo to the driver. I had to walk back 3 blocks. But that's NOT ALL. So I get here and I get a frantic message from the Dragon Lady. Turns out, they came out looking for me at 12:15 and I'd gone to lunch. When I explained to her that I couldn't possibly go at my regular time since AL was leaving when I was supposed to be on lunch. She said it hadn't been cleared with her and that she didn't know. This is now the second time AL has fucked me like this. I'm really angry at her. Because of her, I had another earful from the Dragon Lady. What a saga.

On a good note, while surfing the net this morning I discovered the "Amazon Fishbowl with Bill Maher". I didn't even know this show existed but it's pretty darn cool. You can check it out for yourself, totally free, here.

And I think I want to try a new thing on Fridays. I'm calling it the "Keanu Friday Find" or KFF for short. Essentially, until I get tired of looking at this beautiful, intelligent man, you're all going to be exposed to one picture a week. I hope this doesn't scare anyone away. Here's this week's picture:

I hope everyone has a great weekend and remember kids: stay cool!


Must be a slow news day

The top story on my local news page is "Elvis's bear destroyed". Who the hell cares about Elvis' bear? Aren't there people killing eachother on the other side of the world? My god. For some reason, this really got to me this morning.

I was cruising along YouTube looking for the Lordi video I mentioned yesterday and then I came accross this. It's the real video to a real song that is currently topping the French charts:

Is it wrong to find this so funny?

Still not as hot as it was a few weeks back but it sure is getting there. At least there's a slight breeze! And, as promised, I've posted my review of Miami Vice.

Happy Thursday folks!


A Hot and Sunny Wednesday

It looks like the weather is on the upswing. After a few days of autumn-like weather, it feels like things are going to be getting hot again. I guess my days of showering three times daily are coming back. Work seems to be back under control after a couple of weeks of crazyness. Good thing too, I was starting to really dislike coming into the office.

We went to see Miami Vice yesterday. Thoughts will be forthcoming later today. I bring this up because the dude sitting next to us brought his young son (as in looks like he's 12) to see it. With all that gratuitous sex and violence? What was this guy thinking? Honestly? I just wanted to reach over and cover his eyes in a few instances. And during the previews, all I heard was "I wanna watch that. I wanna watch that". I'm not sure who I wanted to smack more: the kid or the parent.

I heard the funniest news over dinner yesterday. Eurovision is the longest running "American Idol" like program ever. It's been around for 50 some odd years and it's how ABBA hit it big, after winning in 1974 (with "Waterloo"). Well, the usually teenbop/pop Eurovision was invaded and taken over in 2006. Lordi, a Finnish death metal group won the competition. I have to track down this video footage somewhere. This is priceless.

And last, but certainly not least, I heard about this on Friday but didn't have time to look around for the link. It was (thanks K!) emailed to me this morning and I just had to share. I'm not sure if it's funny because it looks so stupid or because I'm jealous I can't do it too.

Happy hump day folks!


Finally, An Update!

I know. I know. I've been sort of on and off the map for the last week or so but for good reason. The movie site is now up and fully operational. It's not quite 100% but the final tweaking will be done slowly over the next few months. So, if you haven't already checked it out, you may want to now at Also, if you have the old site in your links or blogrolled, please ensure that you update the links. Thanks!

Now that I've completed the shameless plug, on to the good stuff. It was a full weekend with lots of food and an incredible evening at the Illuminares, a local lantern festival. It was a great event that I had no idea even existed. Here's a great picture I took with my cheapy camera which badly needs to be upgraded. It takes FOREVER in between shots and, occasionally, the shutter doesn't open. I think it's almost had it. I guess that's what you get when you buy cheap...

You can check out the rest of the photos from the event here.

My other exciting moment of the weekend was the purchase of "The Ultimate Matrix Collection Limited Edition Collector's Set". Yes,t hat's right. 10, no joke boys and girls, 10 DVDs. I was telling D that it'll be a while before I need any more new Matix material. It was such a steal of a deal I just couldn't say no. $44.99. That's like $75 off! Yeah. I couldn't say no. And yes, the set comes complete with the Keanu bust. *sigh* More info on the contents are here. I wonder if there's a Matrix porn DVD anywhere in the set. I can't help myself ok??? Keanu does strange things to me...

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